Teen Lab at the Art Institute of Chicago
Celeste Sanchez
I would describe my art practice as centralized on the idea of provoking and inspiring others to see a different perspective or execute on original creative ideas. My art practice is one that helps dissect my persona the more I learn about the various mediums one can work in as well as the concepts an artist can decide to focus their art on. Not to mention all the different forms that art itself can be expressed in. I especially work in drawing in painting as well as poetry. My line of work typically attempts in addressing social injustices such as sexism, educational disparities, and racial discrimination.
My devotion to art lies within the realm of juxtaposing elements-an abyss of anguish and short lived felicity. Being surrounded by a world that emits seemingly immortal negative energy brings upon many unprecedented challenges that you're constantly combating because you don't want to feed off of something you're working on contrasting. At the same time I feel that art is such a beautiful chaos because many times when you see the physical manifestation of a being is lies within the skin of an ugly truth.
The major themes of my work revolve around morality . Morality within the relationships established between oppressed black and brown bodies in relation to housing,education, economic placement, health disparities and overall discrimination. This also embodies the idea of self justice as a member of an oppressed group. What does it mean to empathize with others, to not become bitter, and to reserve an understanding for your own body and mind?