Teen Lab at the Art Institute of Chicago
The Instructors

José Olivarez
I am the son of Mexican immigrants, the co-author of the book of poems Home Court, and the co-host of the poetry podcast, The Poetry Gods. I am a graduate of Harvard University and the Marketing Manager at Young Chicago Authors. My first book, Citizen Illegal, is forthcoming from Haymarket Books. I am the Lead Teaching Artist for the Teen Lab Program at the Art Institute in Chicago, IL. I teach and write curriculum for Young Chicago Authors (Chicago, IL). In the past, I have led writing workshops and diversity trainings for institutions such as: Lincoln Center (New York, NY), The Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, NY), Studio Museum of Harlem (New York, NY), The Adirondack Center for Writing (Saranac Lake, NY), Inside Out Literary Arts (Detroit, Michigan) and many more community organizations and universities. I believe in the transformational power of art. My favorite art reveals the world in a way that challenges my understanding. I am interested in art that makes me consider the beautiful aspects of the everyday, or that reveals the ugly history underneath the beautiful. My own life is richer because of art and the way art has demanded that I stretch my imagination.
Lead Artist

Lauren Jackson
As the manager of Teen Lab I think about the semester as a full scope of experiences that we can bring in to provide more resources, access, and time for creativity to our youth. They already bring such a wealth of knowledge, insight, and fantastic and varied artistic practices. The questions I constantly ask myself are: "what can we do to make them feel empowered? And how do we promote the wonderful work they are doing to the museum?" Each semester allows us to explore those questions and many more together, learning about each other and building a vibrant community. It is my honor to help them lead the way.

Madison Smith
Almost a year ago, I was an intern working for Teen Programs and was excited to be a part of the bubbling, creative energy that is Teen Lab. As a teenager growing up in the city of Chicago, organizations like After School Matters gave me the confidence to pursue art and art history at a young age. As an adult, I feel fortunate to be a part of the team and watch young artists and practitioners take creative risks and dive into their practice each week.
I am an interdisciplinary artist, recent graduate from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, writer, and art historian. Much of my academic writing focuses on subcultures and dynamics of race and representation in recent and past art history. However, my artistic practice convey concepts of autobiography and flatness using mediums of painting, fiber, film, and sculpture.
Administrative Assistant