Teen Lab at the Art Institute of Chicago
The Teens

Meisha Williams
What does being an "artist" mean to you?
Being an artist means freedom. It means creativity. And it is ironic that when we hear the word creative, we automatically think of one definition. But to me it is critical thinking and ideas fueled by the experiences we have, by the people we know and the things that we seen and heard. It means sensitivity. Being an artist means I am able to tell a story and be the only keeper of that story, whether it is true or false. Being an artist means that I can be myself without any apologies.
What interests you or is of importance in your life right now? Do those subjects or topics influence your creative work?
Colors and turning nothing into something. Theology greek mythology and design interests me. I am fascinated with everything that is not not boring. I do not have a set technique that fuels my artwork. Whatever I am feeling, or whatever comes to me at the moment takes over. I feel that I could explore more though.
Please talk about a take-away(s) from Teen Lab
Up to this point, I have been exposed to many viewpoints. I am able to open my mind easier to people's objections. I am able to add more depth to my thoughts. I am able to speak more confidently. I can define time in my own words.

Quintin Black
What does being an "artist" mean to you?
Being an artist means finding my own creativity and spitting it out.
What interests you/ what is important in your life right now? Do those subjects or topics influence your creative work? If so, how?
Everything interests me now. I realize that everything has a back story, so I try to find it my own way. If I don't know the back story I try to make up my own and use it in my art.
What have you taken away from Teen Lab so far?
I love working with everyone, working them let's me see other people doing well and challenges me to push myself further and do well.

Malaika Shuck
What does being an "artist" mean to you?
To me, art is the ultimate form of self expression. So in my mind an artist always has something they need to articulate or a message that they feel people need to understand them and how they think.
What have you taken away from Teen Lab so far?
Teen lab is a space that encourages experimentation and cultivates self introspection and contemplation. I come to teen lab as a place to heal.

Lily Craelius
What does being an "artist" mean to you?
I would rather use the term 'creative' than artist because the word artist is always associated with visual art, and that assumption shouldn't be made. I think this means to be someone who takes from themselves and/or in such a way that it inspires others do either do the same or at least follow in their footsteps.
What interests you/ what is important in your life right now? Do those subjects or topics influence your creative work? If so, how?
My creative work and my ability to handle the future is my largest concern right now. They do influence, The majority of my work, that I’ve done in high school has brought more awareness to my city. I am heavily invested in the idea of social movement, whether it be based on race, class, or any social location. I want to inspire people to get up and do something, no matter how different or risky it may be. This want does not have an endpoint, but is a process that I would like to continue throughout my life, and express that in my art, either for awareness or my own satisfaction.
What have you taken away from Teen Lab so far?
I found community and what I think could be best described as rejuvenation. The people I am with are all-welcoming and beautiful artists, and it’s a very surreal and healthy environment to be in.

Emani Hogan
What does being an "artist" mean to you?
Being an artist means that I am able to express myself the way I see best.
What interests you/ what is important in your life right now? Do those subjects or topics influence your creative work?
My interest now are more into creative directing. Even though I do photography and modeling I find myself enjoying directing so much more. Being able to be a creative director , photographer, and model I find myself using these talents and using my knowledge to my advantage in my work.
What have you taken away from Teen Lab so far?
I took away from Teen Lab that I should take risk and that I should be who I am no matter what.

La'Nia Kitchens
What does being an "artist" mean to you?
It means that i am able to be myself and show other people what I hold back inside my mind until I see appear in front of me then I let all of that come together with my feelings and my hands and my mind and soul.
What interests you/ what is important in your life right now? Do those subjects or topics influence your creative work? If so, how?
I am a very curious person so pretty much everything that I see or think about interests me in almost every way possible
What have you taken away from Teen Lab so far?
A take-away so far is that there is now ending to your artistic skills, there is always a open door to new things and they will always adds up to your own meaning of the word “artists”

Brittney Harper
What does being an "artist" mean to you?
To me, being an artist means that you have passion or some sort of drive to create. It doesn't have to be a major drive or a mountain of passion, though. Everyone creates art for a lot of reasons; some create art to make a statement, some make art to make people think, some create art as a form of stress relief and some create simply for the fun of it, but it still makes them an artist.
What interests you/ what is important in your life right now? Do those subjects or topics influence your creative work?
My family is the most important thing to me right now. Family, mainly my mother, is a major influence since we’ve become closer due to all the hardships we’ve had to face this year. Those hardships have caused me a lot of stress and pain and the best way I know how to vent these things is through my art.
What have you taken away from Teen Lab so far?
I’ve found a community where I feel confident sharing my work within Teen Lab. I love being around everyone and seeing that they’re working and improving their art little by little, just like me.

Jasmine Wesley
What does being an "artist" mean to you?
Being an artist means unapologetically being your own person. You imagine things and bringing them to life, in any creative way you can think of.
What interests you/ what is important in your life right now? Do those subjects or topics influence your creative work?
I'm interested in everyone and everything other than me. I find it more important right now to pay attention to the world around me versus myself. The world around me usually doesn't influence my work, but lately it has. I find that there is some misconnection between the younger and older generations, that I want to explore more about.
What have you taken away from Teen Lab so far?
I love my instructors here. It's so amazing how much I could learn from my peers as well. It's nice to see the side of teenagers and upcoming artist in the city that usually is hidden.

Celeste Sanchez
What does being an "artist" mean to you?
The means of being an artist are fulfilling the urgency of delivering a message to manipulate my viewers to adopt an empathetic, reflective, loving, self-building character, as well as meditating on content. As an artist I hold responsibilities to not only my community, but to the human race for we are one. To emphasize the aspects of a person that make them a genuine quality being, I give insight on my chaotic mind for others to identify with my concepts and share my creative world with pure good intention.
What interests you/ what is important in your life right now? Do those subjects or topics influence your creative work?
Mental and emotional health as I've observed it in myself and my peers is an important subject of matter for me to address in my creative work given that it's easy to feel consumed by negativity that surrounds us and has a great degree of psychological affects. Where, especially in this time of life, for an adolescent it's hard to cope with. Not even just youth but a growing person which includes virtually everyone in the world. This is counterbalanced in my work given that it takes an a more simplified style that opposes the complexity of concepts in my mind.
What have you taken away from Teen Lab so far?
Teen lab has nourished my personal development as well as adopted conclusions on philosophical aspects of life by truly exposing me to multiple resources and outlets that would further my understanding on social political issues relevant to youth today give, that we are the rising generation that aches for change for the greater good . We foresee a new future and are preparing ourselves to mold an ideal environment.

Princess Gonzalez
What does being an "artist" mean to you?
A person who is able to express and create with passion and ease. An artist is a person that can turn anything into something, a person that inspires, and a person that can challenge perception.
What interests you/ what is important in your life right now? Do those subjects or topics influence your creative work?
I am interested in fashion wearables. Incorporating social issues through my artwork has become very important, because I feel like people try so hard not to acknowledge these issues due to the fact that times have changed.
What have you taken away from Teen Lab so far?
Teen Lab is a safe space. The AIC welcomes students from all over with open arms to create, innovate, and inspire each other.

Sarai Gilliam
What does being an "artist" mean to you?
Being an artist means to be able to explain.
What interests you/ what is important in your life right now? Do those subjects or topics influence your creative work?
I am interested in everything and everyone but nothing or no one at the same time.
What have you taken away from Teen Lab so far?
Affirmation of self.

Michy Martinez
What does being an "artist" mean to you?
Being an artist is being able to to express your views and influence others through ones art. An artist is someone who is influenced on past or present experiences which helps shape their art.
What interests you/ what is important in your life right now? Do those subjects or topics influence your creative work?
immigration and religion are important in my life right now. Religion definitely influences me because I grew up catholic and I don't want to continue to practice the religion. I want the people viewing my art to know that it's okay if they don't follow what their parents say they have to. People should start doing things for themselves and make sure that they're truly passionate about it.
What have you taken away from Teen Lab so far?
I've had deeper discussions here than I've ever had anywhere else and I'm grateful for that. Teen Lab has helped me become more organized time management wise. Not only that, but Teen Lab has helped me be around people that I wouldn't have met if not getting into the program.

Nia Welch
What does being an "artist" mean to you?
An Artist is anyone with a vision that they're willing to acknowledge and share with others.
What interests you/ what is important in your life right now? Do those subjects or topics influence your creative work?
Expressing how valuable you and other people that are the same gender, race, or economic class are, and how powerful they can be is what is really important to at this point in my life. I feel that is also really important to show in my art.
What have you taken away from Teen Lab so far?
So far in Teen Lab I’ve come to the realization that art is not necessarily perfection or beauty, but the most effective part of art is the ability to value your mistakes and see imperfections as perfections and then the masterpieces will come.

Dimitri Smith
What does being an "artist" mean to you?
Being an artist means that you as a person have a talent to tell a story rather it be yours or someone else's, through your art. And that makes you an artist
What have you taken away from Teen Lab so far?
So far from Teen Lab I have developed a since of open mindedness and I've been able to meet new people that have truly motivated me as an artist.