Teen Lab at the Art Institute of Chicago
My name is Delijha, I am 16 years old and I love sculpting and art in general.
The way I would describe my art work is very unique in a very odd way. I have always wanted to put what I couldn’t say to others in my art. I usually do graffiti also because I like making 3D art and making words pop out to send a hidden message to people is really inspiring to me. I am a very difficult person with very difficult ways and that I would describe my art piece because it is a house that has many different parts with different meanings. The first box is mainly my comfort zone and where I just stay to myself just to be me without anyone judging me. The second box represents what makes me who I am and what helps me get through the day. The third part represents who I will become and who I have already become because of the environment around me and the social life that I have grown up to as a teenager. The biggest part of my project is the main entrance to the oddly built house because it represents the college I want to go to and who I want become in life, which is a surgeon.
My devotion to art has been going on since I was 8 years old, art has always been my get away because it's a calming thing for me as if I am going into another world where there is no one there but me and my creativity. Art is just what makes life better to me.