"Pop-Up" Projects
The teens presented their “Pop-Up” projects in the Modern Wing of the Art Institute! Check out their projects here.

Good Luck Penny
Today we created “Good Luck Penny Cards!” Inspired by the proverb, find a penny pick it up, all day long you’ll have good luck, we...

Curator Michal Raz-Russo Visits!
Michal Raz-Russo, the Assistant Curator of the Department of Photography at the AIC, came to visit us in the studio today! She talked...

Gordon Parks Discussion
Today we watched a video clip from Through a Lens Darkly: Black Photographers and the Emergence of a People, 2015. The documentary...

Site Specific Projects
This week we thought about how our art can enhance the spaces around us and the spaces that we come from. We considered what it means to...

Is This Art?
Is this art? Today we thought about what distinguishes “art” from vandalism. When we step outside of the Museum, art doesn’t simply cease...

Collage Workshop
Artist, poet and writer Krista Franklin came to our studio today! Check out the collage workshop here.

Gallery Tour
Today we went into the galleries of the Art Institute of Chicago (AIC) to check out the collection. The Museum houses about 5,000 years...